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Private Beach Casitas

Inspired by the Spanish architecture and ocean views of San Clemente, Casa Tropicana has designed each of its 10 unique rooms to reflect the area’s relaxed beach style. Each of our distinctive contemporary casitas are enhanced by original artwork, luxurious linens, and gracious service.

 Each room is equipped with a small refrigerator, HDTV with cable, and a shared deck with a view of the dazzling southern California coast.

 Our individual rooms are listed below, along with additional amenities,
photos, and rates. Room amenities are subject to change at the hotel’s discretion.

While guests of Casa Tropiana, we want you to stress less and relax more. We offer complimentary beach chairs, umbrellas, toys, and towels for the entirety of your stay.


Casita estrellamar

Relax to the echoes of the ocean where you can enjoy the sights and sounds of surf, sand, and sky.

Queen Bed

casita arena

Enjoy the partial ocean view from the queen sized bed.


casita azahar

This contemporary room is designed with natural bamboo texture. With the ocean view and furnished surroundings, you’ll immediately take on the laid-back attitude of the beach.

Queen Bed

casita De fuego

Romantic and relaxing, a perfect place for a calming but luxurious beach stay.

Queen Bed

casita del sol

Contemporary and romantic, this queen-sized room is the perfect space to relax and immerse yourself in a vacation state of mind.


casita clemente

This spacious room with a comfortable sitting area, wet bar, and partial ocean view, this room is the perfect place to unwind after a long beach day.

Queen Bed

casita bahama

Decorated with rattan furniture and botanical textiles, this family suite is laid back and tropical. Warm, spacious, and comfortable, Casa Bahama includes a queen bedroom and a separate two trundle bedroom, in addition to a kitchenette and a large sitting area.


casita del playa

With seaside blues and sandy neutrals, this intimate room has a serene Mediterranean vibe. Complete with driftwood accents, the king-sized bed is as relaxing as the ocean itself.

Bask in the California sunshine and enjoy majestic ocean views from our shared sun deck. Casita Del Playa has an Atrium View and offers a King bed with air-conditioning. It also offers a small refrigerator and coffeemaker. We provide complimentary Wi-Fi, HD cable TV, and beach towels for two guests.  This room is located on the 3rd level of the building and requires steps to access the room.

Maximum Occupancy – 2