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Casita Clemente


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Casita Clemente


House of Clemente



Partial ocean view, king bed, sofa, tub for two, TV with cable, small refrigerator, sink, shared ocean view deck.




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This spacious room with a comfortable sitting area, wet bar, and partial ocean view,  is the perfect place to unwind after a long beach day. Bask in the California sunshine and enjoy majestic ocean views from our shared sun deck. Casita Clemente has a Partial Ocean View and offers a King bed and sitting area with sofa.  It also offers a soaking tub for two, air-conditioning, small refrigerator and coffeemaker. We provide complimentary Wi-Fi, HD cable TV, and beach towels for two guests.  This room is located on the 3rd level of the building and requires steps to access the room.

Maximum Occupancy – 2